Sometimes they come back

Pushing aside, for good, any reference to Stephen King’s hideous creatures, sometimes people, places, situations come randomly back to my mind, they arrange themselves like mosaic tiles and they tell a story. Fragments of real and imagined life, lightly told, because...

Composer or Pianist?

“Pianists must practice eight hours a day! What a life of hell!”, said my elder sister. “You could be a composer, so you’ll only have to write. You can make the others play, and you don’t have to learn your music!”. I was nine and I had never given a thought to the...


Teaching is, of course, important because we players have got much to hand down and to tell, and we can be links of a precious chain. As Alexis Weissenberg said in “I Like Music”:you don’t live for music, you live in music. And I keep telling my students, as...


Travelling for a concert or a tour is the most amusing thing that I’ve ever lived. Any circumstance, even the most stressful one, left a memory and a teaching. Visiting magnificent capital cities without the constraints of being a tourist, free to spend an afternoon...


Some of my friends and colleagues: Rodolfo Bonucci, violinistAnton Martynov, violinistEduardo Hubert, pianistMaria WeissenbergAdriana Montanari, pianist and teacher at the Conservatorio di BolzanoGiorgio Carnini, organistSandro Cappelletto, musicologist Rodolfo...


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